08 July 2006

Funky Door Yoga

Back from San Francisco, where I visited the Funky Door Yoga studio but decided not to engage in the practice for the following reasons:

1) It was a beautiful day in San Francisco. I mean BEAUTIFUL.

2) It was so beautiful that the thought of being in a little hot room with a bunch of sweaty people just didn't compare to walking down Columbus Ave. in the late afternoon and dodging in and out of bookshops and whatnot.

3) I was meeting a buddy I hadn't seen in 12 years for dinner at Greens at 830PM and was worried I couldn't get there in time if I was trying to squeeze in a shower.

4) All the guys were topless. ALL. And to add insult to injury they all had these tight little short short bicycle like shorts on. Not going to work on me.

5) And the whole studio was exposed to the street via the big storefront windows. So passers-by could and did just stop and stare in at the yogis.

6) The door was most emphatically not funky.

Om shanti ya'll.


Greens Restaurant


Anonymous said...

I think #6 is the best reason. You were led to expect a funky door! You deserve a funky door!

joni said...

topless men? big storefront windows? they must be the same men who run naked in the annual bay to breakers race! and if they look anything like the men i've run past, they should put their shirts back on :(

shinyyoga said...

*giggle* I wouldn't have been tempted to go in there either!!!